The Nominating Committee consists of the:
- Vice President (Chair)
- Past President appointed by the Board
- Treasurer
- The Chair of each Division, or their designee, except the Chair of the Nominating Committee (the Vice President), shall automatically be the representative from the Division to which the Chair’s company belongs.
- The Chair of each Regional Steering Committee, or their designee.
> The
nominating process starts in approximately April. Nominations are received
through three channels:
- Self or sponsored nomination forms submitted in response to a member email alert.
- From steering committees
- From the floor at the AGM
> Nominations submitted through channels one or two are required to include details describing the nominee’s industry experience and past AMCA engagements for the Nominating Committee’s consideration.
> Staff
compiles the received nominations and supporting information and shares it with
the Nominating Committee for discussion in a meeting in June or July, and no
later than August 1.
> The
Nominating Committee is required to present nominations for directors to the
membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Notwithstanding,
additional nominations can be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting. The
nominations shall be voted upon during the Annual
Meeting. In the event a quorum is not present at the meeting, the vote
shall be conducted by letter ballot. Any letter ballot will indicate which
persons were selected by the Nominating Committee
and which were nominated from the floor.
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Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.