
When serving on a Board of a nonprofit, Board members have both internally and externally-focused roles and responsibilities. One external responsibility is the role of an ambassador. This aids advocacy, marketing, and membership growth.
Preparing for Meetings
Prepare by reading the Board materials provided by staff prior to the Board meeting, particularly agenda attachments that state that there is “Required Action from the Board.”
There are three face-to-face Board meetings per year and attendance is expected at all three. Electronic accommodations will be made for members that cannot attend a meeting in person. There is at least one web-based meeting per year in May where the AMCA operating budget is approved, and there may be other occasional web-based meetings based on need.
Actively listen and participate in meetings, and refrain from multitasking.
Board Letter Ballots
Participate in all Boardletter ballots sent by AMCA staff in a timely manner. Board letter ballots are sent via email periodically to approve items such as new members, new Publications & Standards projects, or to approve drafts nearing publishing.
Membership Approvals
Ballots for approvals of new members are sent by email after staff has vetted the application. If there is no unanimous (or majority) approval by ballot, the application is considered no later than the next Board meeting. This can result in a significant delay in accepting a new member. Applications for membership are to be judged by the qualifications of the applicant in accordance with Article III of the AMCA bylaws and not on whether to allow a competitor access to a market.
Conflict of Interest
Board members shall disqualify themselves from voting on any issue if they or their member company may have a direct personal, financial or other business interest not common to other members of AMCA, and shall excuse themselves from the discussion on the issue.
Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.