The Board directs the management of the property and the business of AMCA by setting policies and guidelines and by making concrete decisions on questions put before it. The Executive Director is responsible for the administration and management of AMCA in accordance with the policies and directives of the Board
While the Board has broad authority, it’s limited by the Bylaws (where specific authority is granted to the Executive Committee and the membership), by the laws of the State of Illinois, and by a duty to disqualify one’s self from voting on conflict of interest matters.
Further, the Bylaws grant specific powers and duties to the Board that are stated in Article V, Section 6 of the Bylaws. Briefly, these address property, staffing & agents, authority for financial transactions, budgeting, delegation, affiliation with other organizations, the setting up of divisions and regions, membership approvals, resolution of members' disputes concerning AMCA business and joint venture representation.
The Board's five tasks, in simplified form:
Establish and set in motion the association’s business strategy
The association’s business strategy addresses the:
- Mission statement
- Product scope
- Scope of services
- Geographic scope
- Alliances
- Advocacy goals
- Strategic plan, which:
- Is about long-term prosperity
- Is an expression of ambitions and goals and direction to achieve them
- Is a long-lasting commitment that binds future resources
- Requires an understanding of the environment
Ensure corporate social responsibility
To ensure that AMCA works within the following framework of norms and values.
- Humanitarian working environment
- Respect for human rights
- Concern for environmental impact
- Anti-corruption practices and policies
- Ethical business practices
- Gender, racial and religious equality
Monitor results
Understand the state of the business
- Financial reporting
- Management by objectives
- Strategic action plan
- Business-related key figures
- Processes and flows
Work with staff through the Executive Director
Hold the Executive Director accountable for reporting information and achieving goals and objectives while operating within AMCA’s framework of norms and values.
The Board as a body, and not individual Board members, directs staff. Individual Board member input to staff is considered advisory, and must be consistent with board policy.
Communicate with the membership
Ensure that the membership gets a true and accurate picture of AMCA’s operations.
Board members should stay abreast of the following.
- General information - Stay informed about AMCA and its surroundings
- External information - Ensure that information from AMCA is characterized by openness, and that it’s correct, reliable and relevant
- Internal information – from the Executive Director
The Executive Director is responsible for keeping the Board informed about:
- Market (important events in the industry and with competitors)
- Finance (outcome of last quarter, forecast for the year, balance sheet, liquidity, ability to complete payments)
- Personnel (organizational changes)
- Strategic development (ongoing projects, progress reports)
- Warning signals (projects, business operations or critical relationships)
- Breakdowns (projects, business operations, critical relationships)
- Important upcoming events
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Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.