AMCA Members-Only Newsletter

Dec. 22, 2022

ICYMI: California Approves Fan-Efficiency Regulation

Credit: chaylek/Bigstock.

The California Energy Commission (CEC) on Nov. 16 approved a long-in-the-works efficiency regulation for commercial and industrial fans and blowers as part of the state’s Title 20 appliance-efficiency regulations. Manufacturers of equipment covered by the regulation have until Nov. 1, 2023, to comply.

“The CEC regulation marks a new era for the fan industry,” AMCA Senior Director, Global Affairs Michael Ivanovich said. “AMCA members worked very hard to help shape the regulation, which AMCA believes is fair, achievable, and enforceable and will result in substantial energy and carbon savings.”

The regulation includes a test procedure, a minimum-efficiency requirement, and compliance-filing and product-marking provisions. The regulatory metric is fan energy index as calculated using ANSI/AMCA Standard 214-21, Test Procedure for Calculating Fan Energy Index (FEI) for Commercial and Industrial Fans and Blowers.

The regulation applies to commercial and industrial fans and blowers rated with at least 1-hp fan shaft power or rated with at least 1-kW electrical power but no more than 150 air horsepower. Exceptions include air-curtain units, ceiling and other types of circulating fans, fans embedded in equipment performing duties other than air movement, safety fans (meeting a specified definition), crossflow fans, and induced-flow fans.

All fans and blowers sold in California that are in the scope of the regulation must meet the requirements regardless of where they are manufactured.

The AMCA North America Region Air Movement Advocacy Committee (formerly Air Movement Code Action and Review Committee [AMCARC]) had been engaged in development of the regulation since the rulemaking began in 2017, picking up where the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) left off when public negotiations for a federal regulation concluded in 2015. The DOE rulemaking, which began in 2011, has resumed and appears on track for completion in 2023.

AMCA is working with the CEC and California investor-owned utilities to develop compliance and education resources for AMCA members and California consumers. AMCA also is investigating how to evolve service offerings for members filing compliance data.

On Dec. 20, AMCA’s advocacy team presented a members-only webinar, “Update on Efficiency Regulations for Commercial and Industrial Fans.” To view a video recording of the webinar, click here.

California estimates the regulation will save Californians 1.7 terawatt-hours, 17 million megawatt-hours, 0.06 quad, or nearly 40 million tons of coal per year.

For more information about the regulation, contact Ivanovich at

AMCA Gearing Up for 2023 AHR Expo

Image courtesy of AHR Expo

AMCA will exhibit at, and present a dozen free industry sessions during, the 2023 International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo) Feb. 6-8 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.

AMCA will exhibit at Booth B2051. All of AMCA’s free industry sessions will be presented in Room B313b. The educational sessions will be as follows (schedule subject to change):

Each session is worth one professional-development hour (PDH).

AMCA Hosts 2022 Sound Seminar

Credit: rclawson

Fifteen HVAC professionals—14 from AMCA member companies—attended the ninth AMCA Sound Seminar Nov. 7-9 at AMCA’s headquarters in Arlington Heights, Ill.

Taught for the sixth time by Ralph T. Muehleisen, PhD, chief building scientist, Building & Energy Section leader, and Urban Science and Engineering Program lead for Argonne National Laboratory’s Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis division, the introductory-to-intermediate-level seminar covered acoustics and sound relevant to fan specification and sound testing. It consisted of 16 hours of instruction, including a tour of the AMCA laboratory, where attendees observed the performance of several equipment sound tests. Attendees earned 16 professional-development hours.

In June, at the inaugural Process Heating & Cooling Show in Rosemont, Ill., Muehleisen presented on behalf of AMCA a half-day workshop titled “Introduction to Sound,” covering much of the terminology and basic concepts of the Sound Seminar. Recordings of the workshop were provided to Sound Seminar participants upon registration.

“The attendees seemed very appreciative of this learning and career training opportunity,” AMCA Education Manager Lisa Cherney said, adding that post-seminar survey comments included: “Learned a bunch; enjoyed it,” “Very insightful to visit the laboratory and see the state of the art reverberant room sound chambers,” “Really neat to see the process in person,” and “Great presentations.”

The AMCA Sound Seminar is held approximately every two years. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this was the first AMCA Sound Seminar since 2019.

Ralph T. Muehleisen, PhD, discusses sound barriers during the 2022 AMCA Sound Seminar.

Ralph T. Muehleisen, PhD, discusses sound barriers during the 2022 AMCA Sound Seminar.

2022 AMCA Sound Seminar attendees outside AMCA headquarters.

2022 AMCA Sound Seminar attendees outside AMCA headquarters.

Reminder: Volunteers for AMCA 99 and AMCA 210 Technical Committees Sought

Credit: iqoncept/Bigstock

Volunteers are needed for technical committees established to revise ANSI/AMCA Standard 99, Standards Handbook, and ANSI/AMCA Standard 210/ASHRAE Standard 51, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating.

ANSI/AMCA Standard 99 serves as a repository of reference material supporting all other AMCA standards and publications. Stakeholders include fan, damper, louver, and HVAC manufacturers; product purchasers and consumers; testing laboratories; consultants; building engineers; and regulatory bodies.

ANSI/AMCA Standard 210/ASHRAE Standard 51 establishes uniform methods for determining the performance of fans and other air-moving devices in terms of airflow rate, pressure developed, power consumption, air density, speed of rotation, and efficiency for rating and guarantee purposes. Stakeholders include fan manufacturers, fan engineers, building owners and engineers, testing laboratories, fan-equipment specifiers, HVAC professionals, product purchasers and consumers, consultants, and regulatory bodies.

Committee members will be expected to participate in the review of the standards and resolve any comments received. Meetings will be held virtually by conference call.

To volunteer to serve on the technical committee for ANSI/AMCA Standard 99, click here and complete and submit the form by the close of business on Jan. 3.

To volunteer to serve on the technical committee for ANSI/AMCA Standard 210/ASHRAE Standard 51, click here and complete and submit the form by the close of business on Jan. 3.

For more information, contact Senior Manager, Publications and Standards Shruti Kohli-Bhargava at

Zac Johnson Joins AMCA Staff as Codes and Standards Engineer

Credit: Yurolaitsalbert/Bigstock

On Dec. 5, Zachary “Zac” Johnson joined the staff of AMCA International in the role of codes and standards engineer.

Reporting to Senior Manager, Advocacy Aaron Gunzner, PE, Zac supports AMCA advocacy objectives regarding U.S. codes and standards, including those promulgated by the International Code Council (ICC), the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), ASHRAE, and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). He works remotely from his home in Winston-Salem, N.C.

“AMCA advocacy is excited to welcome Zac to the team,” Aaron said. “Zac brings a strong and adjustable skill set that will be well-suited to the dynamic work of codes and standards development.”

A 2020 graduate of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte), where he majored in mechanical engineering and minored in mathematics, Zac previously worked for tobacco company Reynolds American Inc., most recently as a senior scientist. Among his responsibilities were the support of clinical studies and the development of hardware instrumentation and a global software research hub in support of research methodologies, statistical analyses, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration compliance.

While at UNC Charlotte, Zac interned with appliance maker Electrolux and technology company TE Connectivity and participated in Baja SAE, which challenges engineering students to design and build an off-road vehicle able to withstand severe punishment.

In his spare time, Zac stays active, enjoying mountain biking, running, and weightlifting, among other activities. He also enjoys reading—typically, fiction—and always is open to recommendations.

Zac can be reached at and +1 847-704-6336.

AMCA Welcomes Abigail Ahing as Manager, Publications and Standards

Credit: designer491/Bigstock

On Nov. 7, Abigail Ahing joined the staff of AMCA International in the role of manager, publications and standards.

Reporting to Senior Manager, Publications and Standards Shruti Kohli-Bhargava, Abigail works with AMCA technical committees toward the development of publications and standards and drives publishing of final documents while collaborating with other departments and agencies. She works from her home in Clarksburg, Md.

Previously, Abigail was program manager, member services for The Executive Leadership Council in Washington, D.C. In that role, she managed membership-committee activities, including intake, onboarding, and engagement, and helped lead the review, intake, and onboarding of Fortune 1000/Global 500 board members, senior corporate executives, and large capital entrepreneurs.

Prior to that, Abigail worked for U.S. Pharmacopeia, managing expert committees and their subcommittees, panels, and advisory groups toward the development and approval of monographs and reference standards.

Abigail also has held administrative roles with the National Institute on Aging and taught science and chemistry at the high-school level.

A native of Trinidad and Tobago, Abigail holds a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Smith College and a master’s certificate in project leadership and systems design from Cornell University. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, cooking, and graphic design.

Abigail can be reached at and +1 847-704-6288.

ITR Advisor: U.S. GDP on the Rise

Credit: ShamimHR/Shutterstock

Following a mild contraction in the first two quarters of 2022, U.S. real gross domestic product (GDP) returned to record-high territory, expanding 0.64 percent from the second quarter to the third, economic research and consulting firm ITR Economics reports in the November 2022 issue of ITR Advisor, available as part of ITR Economics’ partnership with AMCA.

Through the AMCA-ITR Economics partnership, AMCA members have access to monthly articles providing ITR Economics’ data-driven, non-affiliated perspective on current events.

ITR Advisor provides a “snapshot of the U.S. economy with a quick overview of key indicators, overall business health, and immediate actions to take in response to unfolding events.”

Established in 1948, ITR Economics employs a unique forecasting methodology that has allowed it to achieve an unmatched accuracy rating of 94.7 percent four quarters into the future. It has been providing expert economic forecasting at AMCA meetings for years.

To sign up to receive free economic updates, stay current with ITR Economics’ outlook, and learn of special opportunities through the AMCA-ITR Economics partnership, click here.

Q&A With New AMCA Executive Director Kevin Faltin and 2022-2023 AMCA President Mark Bublitz

Credit: AndreyPopov/Shutterstock

From the recently published 2022 edition of AMCA’s award-winning magazine, AMCA inmotion, read AMCA Manager of Industry Content Scott Arnold’s interview with AMCA Executive Director Kevin Faltin and 2022-2023 AMCA President Mark Bublitz, who discuss impending fan regulations and the association’s new strategic plan.

Read the article.

AMCA 240-22 Available


New AMCA Bylaws

To see the latest approved AMCA Bylaws, visit the AMCA member website here. Log in is required.

To download a copy, click here.