AMCA Seeking Volunteers to Revise Positive-Pressure-Ventilators Standard 240
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., June 4, 2020—Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc. is seeking volunteers—manufacturers, members of the firefighting industry, fan-testing-laboratory workers, product consumers, and regulators in particular—to serve on a technical committee responsible for reviewing and revising ANSI/AMCA Standard 240, Laboratory Methods of Testing Positive Pressure Ventilators for Aerodynamic Performance Rating.
AMCA Standard 240 establishes a uniform method of laboratory testing the aerodynamic performance of positive-pressure ventilators (PPVs) in terms of airflow rate, pressure, air density, and rotational speed for performance rating or guarantee purposes.
In addition to conducting a periodic review of the standard, the committee will be tasked with adding requirements for battery-operated PPVs. The review and revision process is expected to take approximately two months.
To volunteer, click here and complete and submit the form by the close of business on July 7, 2020. For more information, contact AMCA Project Manager/Technical Editor Shruti Kohli-Bhargava at shrutik@amca.org.
About AMCA International
Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc. is a not-for-profit association of manufacturers of fans, dampers, louvers, air curtains, and other air-system components for commercial HVAC, industrial-process, and power-generation applications. With programs such as certified ratings, laboratory accreditation, verification of compliance, and international-standards development, its mission is to advance the knowledge of air systems and uphold industry integrity on behalf of AMCA members worldwide. For more information about AMCA, visit www.amca.org.
Robb Clawson
Director of Marketing, Membership, and Education
+1 847-704-6325
Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.