Zhongshan Saiver Welaire Air-Cond. Equip. Co. Ltd
Certified Products
Axial Fan
TFA/V Series Axial Fan

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indicates FEG
FEG Model FEG Number FEG Peak Total Efficiency TFA 1000/350/12/V 75 TFA 1120/300/10/V 71 TFA 1120/350/12/V 67 TFA 1250/350/12/V 71 TFA 1400/350/12/V 75 TFA 1400/420/11/V 71 TFA 1600/420/11/V 71 TFA 630/250/14/V 67 TFA 800/250/14/V 75 TFA 800/350/12/V 63 TFA1000/300/10/V 67
Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.