Zhejiang Jindun Fans Holding Co Ltd.
Certified Products
Axial Fan
DTF Axial Fan

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indicates FEG
FEG Model FEG Number FEG Peak Total Efficiency DTF(R)-8F-300-8 60 DTF(R)-8R-300-8 60 DTF(R)-9F-338-8 60 DTF(R)-9R-338-8 60 DTF-10-380-8 71 DTF-11.2-426-8 71 DTF-12.5-475-8 71 DTF-14-620-8 75 DTF-15-664-8 75 DTF-16-620-8 75 DTF-18-716-10 80 DTF-20-800-10 80 DTF-25-994-10 80 DTF-28-1114-10 80
Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.