Meet the Air Movement and Control Association International outgoing Chairman of Board, Mats Sándor, Technical Director for Systemair AB. Mats reflects on his time leading AMCA International, the association's role, and general observations about the industry.

Mats will relinquish the Chairman's gavel at the 2022 AMCA Annual Meeting in October 2022

What is the key benefit for your company from your association with AMCA?

  • Certification of our products and accreditation of our laboratories have contributed to our customers' trust in Systemair as a company.
  • By being part of AMCA's work to influence and inform about rules and regulations on different markets and continents, Systemair has been able to influence changes and more easily predict future changes, as well as make important contacts with our colleagues in the industry.

What is the key benefit for you personally from your association with AMCA?

Above all, to establish contacts with other colleges in the industry on an international basis.

How do you see AMCA changing in the future?

In a relatively short period of time, AMCA has gone from being an organization with a large focus on North America to becoming an international organization with four clear focus areas, NA, EU, Asia and ME. In the future, AMCA will continue to strengthen its position as a strong trust-building lobby/certification/education organization, especially in the EU, ME and Asia.

What are your words of advice for upcoming/younger employees of AMCA member companies?

Involvement in committees and steering groups, which leads to the opportunity to influence, get information and make important contacts.

General observations or thoughts about AMCA International?

Accreditation of laboratories is an important and unique service at AMCA that should be highlighted and made more visible. When a company accredits its own laboratories, it helps to increase trust from customers, increase knowledge of measurement technology and thus contributes to correct product data being reported and lowers the cost of certifying products.

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