Meet the Air Movement and Control Association International President, Jim Meats, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Loren Cook Company. Jim speaks of his time and involvement with AMCA International and myriad committees—including the Board of Directors, the association's role, and general observations about the industry.
President Meats will ascend to the role of Chairman of the Board at the upcoming 2022 AMCA Annual Meeting in October.
AMCA Position(s) held:
- 211 Rewrite Committee – Air Movement Division
- Acoustical Duct Silencer CRP – Acoustical Division
- Louver Engineering Committee – Air Control Division
- Damper Engineering Committee – Air Control Division
- AMCARC – Air Control and Air Movement Division
- Product Efficiency Task Force (DoE Regulation)
- System Efficiency Task Force
- ExCom – Sec, Treas, VP, Pres
What is the key benefit for your company from your association with AMCA?
Tangible benefits the Loren Cook Company gains from association with AMCA are the credibility that comes with the lab accreditation and product certification programs, as well as access to advocacy resources that help us stay current with the issues.
What is the key benefit for you personally from your association with AMCA?
A more intangible, but nevertheless important, benefit is the networking and relationships that you build over time. I have learned so much from the great people I have worked with and have formed fast friendships that I believe will last a lifetime.
How do you see AMCA changing in the future?
We are just awakening to the possibilities of what AMCA can become and I believe we have the right people in place to take AMCA to new levels of influence and importance in the industry and around the globe. There is a saying that goes something like, "if you want to generate good ideas generate a lot of ideas." We are generating a lot of good ideas within the association, some of which will be the catalyst for bigger and better things for the association and its members. I am very excited to see how this unfolds over the next few years.
What are your words of advice for upcoming/younger employees of AMCA member companies?
Get involved. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain from involvement in whatever form that may take. Find a mentor or make a friend within the association, discuss opportunities and make the leap! We need you!
General observations or thoughts about AMCA International?
Involvement with AMCA has definitely helped advance my career and has provided a great learning experience, much of which has been directly applicable to my work. It can do the same for you.
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Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.