As part of a new initiative, Air Movement and Control Association International is proud to recognize leaders from one of our member companies who have made, and continue to make, contributions to the association and the industry. This feature will supplement our regular Meet the Air Movement and Control Association International entries and appear monthly on social media and the blog.

Our inaugural recognition goes to Frank Cuaderno, Vice President of Sales for Mars Air Systems, LLC.—a two-time AMCA board member and President of the North American Regional Steering Committee.


AMCA Position(s) held:

AMCA BOD, NA Region, NARSC and Air Curtain Engineering Chair, Member of 210, 211, 220, 222 and 300

How long have you been active with AMCA?

Since the AMCA Annual in St. Augustine, FL

You’re being recognized for being a pivotal contributor to AMCA’s success; what accomplishment are you most proud of during your time with AMCA?

My proudest moments at AMCA are serving on the various working groups and committees that helped create, guide, and improve national and international codes and regulations. Collaborating with AMCA staff and other members challenged me to provide ideas and solutions strictly for the betterment of the industry. When joining these committees, you must take your “Company Hat” off. We are all on the AMCA team when we enter the meeting rooms.

What accomplishment are you most proud of in your professional career?

The proudest accomplishment of my career is working at Mars for more than 26 years and being part of the team that helped our CEO, and my mentor, Steve M. Rosol, evolve Mars Air Systems to the position it is in today—a leader in the Air Curtain industry. A close second was serving on the AMCA Board of Directors for the past six years. I've been privileged to learn from the captains of our industry.

What is the most significant change you have seen in the association or industry in the last 5-10 years?

Diversity. Over the last 15 years, AMCA committed to engaging other regions of the world and creating local AMCA organizations to support regional activities and directives. AMCA has transformed into a truly international organization. Another significant change is the collaboration and camaraderie among AMCA staff and members. It takes a team effort to perform successfully at this level, and everyone seems to enjoy working with one another.

What are your words of advice for upcoming/younger employees of AMCA member companies?

Attend AMCA meetings, join the committees and working groups, get involved and volunteer your time. If you are a smaller company like Mars, you may first feel like a small fish in a big pond. My recommendation for those who plan to participate is to stay true to your company’s (and yours) core values, and you will be just fine. You’ll find that you have more in common with others than you may think and deal with the same issues and challenges.

By being involved, but most of all, well informed, you are ensuring that you have a voice over your destiny and do not allow others to speak for you.

General observations or thoughts about AMCA International?

AMCA has been a positive part of my career for almost 20 years. Truthfully, it takes commitment, time, and effort to be effective, but it has been gratifying. My fondest memories are the times after the meetings, during dinners, and at the bar (yes, there is some alcohol involved), just getting to know people and meeting lifelong friends and colleagues. Just the networking alone is impressive. This has been a joyful experience, and I look forward to continuing my time at AMCA. See you all at the next meeting!! Stay well!!

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