Test Procedure for Calculating Fan Energy Index (FEI) for Commercial and Industrial Fans and Blowers.
AMCA International, Inc. announces the publishing of a new American National Standard, ANSI/AMCA 214, Test Procedure for Calculating Fan Energy Index (FEI) for Commercial and Industrial Fans and Blowers.
The purpose of ANSIAMCA Standard 214 is to aid federal and state rulemaking efforts to establish energy-efficiency standards for commercial and industrial fans and blowers, providing a consistent method of calculating FEI across the many different options or circumstances that exist in the fan market. The standard does not apply to ceiling fans, cross-flow fans, or air curtain units. This standard is primarily for fans that are tested alone or with motors and drives; it does not apply to the testing of fans embedded inside of other equipment. AMCA Standard 214 covers most fan types and sizes. It covers only the calculation of FEI and fan electrical power (FEP). It does not suggest minimum FEI ratings or cover labeling, compliance filing, surveillance, and other regulatory processes.
Download a PDF copy of this standard

Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc.