1. To encourage the development of education, science, and the art of engineering as related to devices within the scope of AMCA International’s industries.
  2. To promote business practices in the industries governed by AMCA International’s scope that are in accordance with the Association's Code of Ethics.
  3. To develop and maintain standard methods of testing for rating the products of its industries.
  4. To develop and implement Certified Ratings Programs designed to ensure reliable and accurate published ratings that can be fairly compared for all the products under its scope.
  5. To encourage member companies publishing non-certified ratings to do so based upon tests performed in accordance with a recognized method-of-test standard in order to achieve reliable and accurate information being published.
  6. To develop the use of standard definitions, nomenclature, sizes, and such other standards that facilitate communication and understanding between the industry and its customers.
  7. To provide purchasers, specifiers, and users of the industry's products with authoritative information and recommended practices concerning the selection, application, and safe and efficient use of those products.
  8. To represent and speak for the industry, when appropriate, on matters directly affecting the industry.
  9. To provide through scheduled meetings a forum for communication and discussion between member companies on matters of common interest.
  10. To communicate and promote the recognition and acceptance of AMCA International standards, services, and programs as the basis of selection and application of the industry's products.
  11. To act as a technical resource center for the industry by accumulating technical information and literature concerning the products of the industry and their use and application.
  12. To maintain a sufficient organization and staff to deal effectively with the business of the Association.
  13. To collect, compile, aggregate, and publish statistical market data.