AMCA Members-Only Newsletter

Nov. 30, 2021


AMCA 2021 Division Meetings

Dec. 7, 9 a.m. to noon EST



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Click here to learn more about CETIAT's AMCA CRP fan-testing capabilities.

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2021 AMCA Annual Meeting: Transition in Leadership

Credit: cirquedesprit/Bigstock

Jim Meats, PE, vice president of marketing, Loren Cook Co., ascended to the role of 2021-2022 president, and Jye Teoh, general manager, Kruger Ventilation Industries Asia Company Ltd., and Brett Vake, vice president of customer experience, Twin City Fan Companies Ltd. (TCFC), were elected to the board of directors, of AMCA during the general session of the 2021 AMCA Annual Meeting, which was held virtually Nov. 29.

Meats, who holds a degree in engineering from Kansas State University, began his career as a consulting engineer designing mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems for commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings. He has been involved in HVAC manufacturing since 1988, holding management positions in engineering, manufacturing, sales, and marketing.

Meats has been active in a number of trade organizations, including Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) and Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). For AMCA, he has served on technical committees for air-movement, air-control, and acoustical products and, since 2018, the board of directors.

Meats has spoken on the topics of air-system design, HVAC acoustical design, and fire/smoke control at ASHRAE events across the United States and conducted research that was the catalyst for an ASHRAE research project on discharge characteristics of induced-flow fans.

Meats lives in Springfield, Mo. He and his wife of 34 years, Rachelle, have four children and two grandchildren.

Meats succeeds Mats Sándor, technical director, Systemair AB, who was elevated to the role of chairman of the AMCA board of directors.

A graduate of Monash University in Australia with a degree in mechanical engineering, Teoh joined Kruger Ventilation in Singapore in 2011, working in research and development (R&D) of mixed-flow fans. Two years later, he was promoted to assistant R&D manager, a role that saw him lead a team in building a new regional laboratory in Thailand. He was named sales and marketing manager in 2015 and general manager in 2018. He is vice chair of the AMCA Asia Regional Steering Committee and a member of the technical committees for ANSI/AMCA Standard 250, Laboratory Methods of Testing Jet Tunnel Fans for Performance, and AMCA Standard 270, Laboratory Methods of Aerodynamic Testing. He has a master-of-business-administration degree from the National University of Singapore.

An accomplished sales professional with over 25 years’ experience in technical sales, Vake has been active with AMCA for two decades, serving on several committees, including as a chair and a vice chair. For TCFC, he oversees day-to-day customer-facing interactions from order submittal to product installation. Before assuming his current role in 2021, Vake was vice president of industrial sales for TCFC for nine years. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota.

The term for each seat on the AMCA board is three years.

AMCA’s board for 2021-2022 is:

  • Chairman: Mats Sándor, technical director, Systemair AB.
  • President: Jim Meats, PE, vice president of marketing, Loren Cook Co.
  • Vice president: Mark Bublitz, vice president, engineering, The New York Blower Co.
  • Treasurer: Mike Wolf, director of regulatory business development, Greenheck Fan Corp.
  • Secretary: Ed Rizk, executive director, OSA Products.
  • Jürgen Albig, director, product management, ventilation technology, Ziehl-Abegg SE.
  • Charlie Black, director, air-control solutions, Ruskin, a brand of Johnson Controls.
  • Frank Cuaderno, vice president of engineering, Mars Air Systems.
  • Asokdas Damodaran, managing director, Systemair India.
  • Armin Hauer, manager, regulatory and government affairs, ebm-papst.
  • Mark Saunders, vice president, sales and marketing, Pottorff.
  • Jye Teoh, general manager, Kruger Ventilation Industries Asia Company Ltd.
  • Brett Vake, vice president of customer experience, Twin City Fan Companies Ltd.
  • Mark Stevens, executive director, AMCA International.

The general session of AMCA’s 2021 Annual Meeting saw the conclusion of the terms of Chairman Amit Ahuja, managing director, Maico Gulf, and Louis Shum, marketing and technical director, G.E. Aluminum Technology Company Ltd.

A Message From President Jim Meats, PE ...

Navigating Change

Credit: asiandelight/Bigstock

A great—and perhaps unprecedented—amount of change is coming AMCA’s way over the next five years. The association has undergone a complete reorganization, adopting a regional structure; is again confronted with federal regulation of the U.S. fan market; is facing the “Great Retirement”; and is adapting to a “hybrid” (physical and virtual) meeting environment—all in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

Open and honest dialogue along with focused strategy and tactics are necessary for AMCA to remain relevant and to thrive going forward. I believe we have put together a strategic-planning framework to facilitate this and allow us to remain a strong trade association. The recent strategic-planning session included participants logging in remotely from countries around the world, some of them engaged into the wee hours of the morning. It is both humbling and encouraging to see this kind of dedication.

We received more applications for the board of directors this year than anyone can remember. Once again, the interest and engagement are impressive.

I have received word that the regional steering committees have embraced the strategic-planning process and are hard at work focusing on how AMCA can better serve their regions.

Our pillars of product certification, advocacy, member engagement, and excellence provide the proper framework upon which we can build a strong future. With the engagement of a dedicated membership carrying out the tactics of our plan, our outlook is bright.

As they say, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” right?

ICYMI: It’s Here! Read the 2021 Edition of AMCA inmotion Magazine

Credit: Anton Matushchak/Bigstock

The 2021 edition of AMCA’s award-winning magazine, AMCA inmotion, is here.

The digital version is available on the AMCA and ASHRAE websites, while the print version was polybagged and mailed with the November issue of ASHRAE Journal.

Edited by AMCA Manager of Industry Content Scott Arnold and art-directed by Chicago-based freelance designer, illustrator, and photographer Bonnie James, the 2021 edition of AMCA inmotion consists of the following articles:

  • AMCA COVID-19 Guidance for Large-Diameter Ceiling Fans” by Michael Ivanovich, Aaron Gunzner, and Scott Arnold, AMCA International—Over a 12-month period, AMCA, in collaboration with an international team of scientists, engineers, and researchers, executed a series of numerical simulations to investigate the impact of large-diameter ceiling fans on COVID-19 exposure in a warehouse. This article provides a high-level summary of the project’s findings and resultant guidance.
  • Introducing Ceiling Fan Energy Index (CFEI)” by the AMCA International North America Region Air Movement Advocacy Committee—In a highly unusual development, a law was passed in 2020 to change the metric used to rate the efficiency of large-diameter ceiling fans made for sale in the United States and Canada from cubic feet per minute per Watt (cfm/W) to ceiling fan energy index (CFEI). This article, adapted from the recently published AMCA white paper “Introducing Ceiling Fan Energy Index (CFEI) and Changes to the U.S. Regulation for Large-Diameter Ceiling Fans,” describes cfm/W and explains why a change in metric was needed.
  • Control Dampers in Ventilation Strategies for Data Centers” by Michael J. Bulzomi, AMCA North America Region Air Control Advocacy Committee—The mission-critical nature of information-technology equipment demands precise control of temperature, humidity, and airflow inside data centers to prevent costly and potentially catastrophic failures. This article provides a foundational understanding of the various types of control dampers available for use in data-center ventilation and presents recommendations for specific performance requirements.
  • Design of Parking-Garage Ventilation for Pollutant and Smoke Control” by Geoff Sheard, DSc, U.S. Technical Advisory Group to International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 117, Fans—This article provides guidance on the use of computational methods for the design of unducted parking-garage ventilation systems that minimize both first and operating costs, dynamically manage the removal of pollutants, and, critically, are optimized for a range of fire scenarios.
  • Your Questions About Severe-Duty Louvers Answered” by Doug Petty; Michael J. Bulzomi; Anthony E. Jackson Sr., CSI, CDT, LEED GA; and Eric Sposito, CDT, AMCA Louver Marketing Subcommittee—As building codes and architectural-product requirements for hurricane-prone Florida gain wider adoption, the international authority on air-system components clarifies some of the confusion surrounding louver design and application.
  • Inside the AMCA Laboratory and Certified Ratings Program” by Scott Arnold, AMCA International—This article explains the workings of the AMCA Certified Ratings Program and illuminates why products that undergo the rigorous certification process deserve to be specified ahead of products that do not. Additionally, it highlights the capabilities and services of the AMCA International laboratory in Arlington Heights, Ill.

AMCA wishes to thank the following advertisers for their support of the 2021 edition of AMCA inmotion: AAON, Aire Technologies Inc., American Ultraviolet, Berner International, Big Ass Fans, ebm-papst, Greenheck Fan Corp., Hunter Industrial Fan, Loren Cook Co., Mars Air Systems, Nailor Industries Inc., The New York Blower Co., Pottorff, Ruskin, and Systemair/Fantech.

For an index of articles, links to the digital editions of all back issues, and a list of awards and honors the magazine has received in recent years, see the updated AMCA inmotion page on the AMCA website.

Scott Arnold is accepting article proposals for the 2022 edition of AMCA inmotion. Contact him at or +1 847-704-6335.

SAVE THE DATE: Webinar on AMCA COVID-19 Guidance for Large-Diameter Ceiling Fans

Credit: insta_photos/Bigstock

AMCA’s recently concluded study of the impact of large-diameter (greater than 7 ft [2.1 m]) ceiling fans (LDCF) on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) exposure in a warehouse in the United States is the subject of a public webinar that will be held Jan. 5 from 1-2 p.m. EST.

Presented by Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, PhD, P.Eng., associate professor in the Department of Building, Civil, and Environmental Engineering at Concordia University, who served as principal investigator for the study; Paul Raftery, PhD, professional researcher with the Center for the Built Environment at the University of California, Berkeley, who was responsible for ceiling-fan modeling; and Christian Taber, principal engineer, codes and standards, for an AMCA member company, who was responsible for the warehouse model and LDCF modeling, and moderated by AMCA Senior Director, Global Affairs Michael Ivanovich, who served as project manager, “AMCA COVID-19 Guidance for Large-Diameter Ceiling Fans” will examine the design and execution of the study, the results, and consequent guidance for building operators and other individuals with control over the operation of fans in large, sparsely occupied spaces.

A members-only webinar on the study was held Nov. 3 (to view a video recording, click “Proceedings from Member Only activities” in the AMCA Members Area of the AMCA website).

Stay tuned for information on how to register for the Jan. 5 webinar.

AMCA in the Press

Credit: Milkos/Bigstock

A testament to the power of “evergreen” content—content that remains relevant and “fresh” for readers over an extended period of time—the cover article of the October 2021 issue (click here for the digital edition [registration required]) of RSES Journal, the monthly magazine of Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES), the education, training, and certification-preparation organization for HVACR professionals, is 2-year-old “Improving Building Resilience With Severe-Duty Louvers,” from the PRNEWS CSR & Nonprofit Award- and American Business (“Stevie”) Award-winning 2019 edition of AMCA inmotion magazine. Written by James K. Smardo and Doug Petty of the AMCA Louver Marketing Task Force (now Louver Marketing Subcommittee) and Scott Arnold, AMCA manager of industry content, the article discusses the circumstances under which a severe-duty louver may be needed, testing severe-duty louvers undergo, and criteria a severe-duty louver must meet to be applied appropriately.

On July 30, UK-based ACR News published “Trust, Transparency and the Importance of Third-Party Certification,” in which 2020-2021 AMCA President Mats Sándor and AMCA Executive Director Mark Stevens “share their insights on the perils of technical misinformation, the importance of third-party verification, and manufacturers’ role in driving change within the fan sector.”

On July 23, Thomas, provider of industrial-marketing, advertising, product-data, and e-commerce services for manufacturing companies, published AMCA-sponsored “With Global Footprint But a Local Feel, Air Movement and Control Association International Is Revolutionizing Air Movement Industry,” in which AMCA Senior Director, Global Affairs Michael Ivanovich discusses AMCA and its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We have been listed on ThomasNet for three years, and they have always been very supportive of AMCA and our mission,” AMCA Director of Marketing, Membership, and Education Robb Clawson explained. “This article is an opportunity to further our exposure with specifiers and companies that can benefit from AMCA-certified products and our industry advocacy efforts.”

Meet the New Guy: Laboratory Technician Mario Salgado

Credit: ilixe48/Bigstock

On Nov. 1, Mario Salgado joined the staff of AMCA International in the role of laboratory technician.

Reporting to Laboratory Manager Tim Reilly, Mario is the primary testing technician for the smaller of AMCA’s two air chambers and AMCA’s reverberation room, in which he performs ANSI/AMCA Standard 210/ASHRAE Standard 51, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating; ANSI/AMCA Standard 300, Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans; and ANSI/AMCA Standard 500-D, Laboratory Methods of Testing Dampers for Rating, tests while adhering to 5S (sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain) principles for organizing and maintaining spaces. (For more on the AMCA laboratory, read “Inside the AMCA Laboratory and Certified Ratings Program” from the just-published 2021 edition of award-winning AMCA inmotion magazine.)

“Once I become proficient with those standards, I will begin cross-training on other test chambers at AMCA,” Mario said.

Before joining AMCA, Mario worked for KrisDee & Associates Inc., a South Elgin, Ill.-based contract manufacturer of precision-machined components and assemblies made from castings, forgings, extrusions, and plate, holding the positions of human-resources assistant and tool-crib manager and, prior to those, quality technician over a four-and-a-half-year period.

Mario’s other work experience includes serving as quality-control inspector for Solar Spring & Wire Forms in Elk Grove Village, Ill., and as a forklift operator for Creative Resource Personnel Inc. in his native Elgin, Ill.

In his spare time, Mario enjoys spending time with his family.

“We do lots of indoor and outdoor activities together, and I enjoy cooking for them,” he said.

For self-care, Mario enjoys exercising, reading, and listening to podcasts on leadership, business, and coaching.

“‘Learn something new every day’ is my motto,” he said.

Mario can be reached at +1 847-704-6274 and

AMCA’s Gunzner Takes Part in Young-Engineers Leadership Event

Press-box view of Empower Field at Mile High.

AMCA Senior Manager, Advocacy Aaron Gunzner participated in a technical tour of Empower Field at Mile High, home of the National Football League’s Denver Broncos, offered as part of the Fall 2021 Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA) Leadership Weekend (YLW), held in his hometown of Denver, Nov. 11.

Conducted by a stadium mechanical-systems lead, the tour of the 76,000-plus-seat facility “was a wonderful educational opportunity and unique activity offered by my local ASHRAE chapter (Rocky Mountain) that I didn’t want to miss,” Gunzner said. “There are so many unique HVAC considerations for a stadium-type building such as this that experiences high occupant density infrequently and is open-air to the outdoors.

“You can bet I was looking for the AMCA seal on all fans and blowers in the mechanical rooms,” Gunzner said with a laugh.

Gunzner, who holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, is preparing to take the professional-engineer exam in December.

Visit the AMCA Newsletter library for past issues.