AMCA Members-Only Newsletter

July 29, 2022

Courtney Stone, Shruti Kohli-Bhargava Promoted to Senior-Manager Roles

Credit: Valiantsin Suprunovich/Bigstock

AMCA this month announced the promotions of Courtney Stone and Shruti Kohli-Bhargava to senior-manager positions effective July 1.

Stone, formerly manager of member relations, is now senior manager, member relations and systems. Kohli-Bhargava, formerly manager, publications and standards, is now senior manager, publications and standards.

Courtney Stone

“Courtney has more than six years of AMCA experience under her belt, working in both the CRP (Certified Ratings Program) and Membership departments,” Robb Clawson, director of marketing, education, membership, and events, said. “She has mastered the complexities of the membership process and developed new, streamlined methodologies for ensuring that our new members not only come aboard the association but are fully prepared to excel as productive and active members for years to come.

“In her new position, she is being further recognized for her incredible contribution in modernizing and automating the association/member-interaction capacity with the soon-to-be-launched AMS (association-management solution) and member portal,” Clawson continued. “… (She) has been an absolute rock star with her exceptional leadership and project-management skills in shepherding the AMS project, masterfully coordinating the dozens of moving parts and tying together disparate manual processes and systems into a single tool that will benefit members and staff alike.”

Clawson concluded: “Courtney is a tireless advocate for the association membership and spends countless hours, often in the shadows, working to ensure their needs are recognized and addressed. I am pleased to shine a light on her accomplishments and acknowledge her exceptional work ethic and dedication with this promotion.”

Shruti Kohli-Bhargava

In announcing Kohli-Bhargava’s promotion, Joe Brooks, PE, director of publications and standards, cited “successfully completed efforts to improve AMCA’s image, foster membership camaraderie, and develop new processes to increase efficiency.”

“One of her key achievements over the last few years has been the development and implementation of a training program for committee chairs, which she now administers very deftly,” Brooks said. “This program makes it easier to recruit chairs and vice chairs, which improves committee culture and helps cultivate future chairs of regional steering committees and members of the board of directors.”

Additionally, Kohli-Bhargava managed AMCA’s 2021 committee reorganization, Brooks said.

“Throughout the project, Shruti demonstrated she has impeccable project-management skills by using a deadline-driven system to assign tasks staffwide, track progress, and communicate end results,” Brooks explained. “She has an unbounded ‘self-starter’ attitude, leading to creation of infrastructure and systems for both Publications and Standards and outside her department. She has an interest in developing networks in the standards community outside AMCA and is passionate about incorporating DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives, which will help cross-pollinate and enrich AMCA.

“Shruti has … risen to every challenge and extracurricular work-task assigned to her and is now establishing new roles for her position,” Brooks concluded. “I am proud to have her in the Publications and Standards Department.”

ICYMI: AMCA Members Urged to Participate in 2021 Fan-Shipment-Database Project

Credit: Yurchanka/Bigstock

The AMCA 2021 Fan-Shipment-Database Project, the subject of a July 12 webinar exclusively for AMCA members (to view the recording and download the presentation slides, sign in to the members area of the AMCA website, and click “Proceedings from Member Only activities”), is officially under way.

In response to a 2011 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) rulemaking for commercial and industrial fans and blowers, AMCA in 2013 developed a database of fan-shipment data contributed voluntarily by 13 AMCA members. Containing more than 200,000 records, all for the year 2012, the database was instrumental in securing positive outcomes during public Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee (ASRAC) negotiations that concluded in 2015. With the DOE now intent on finishing a regulatory test procedure for commercial and industrial fans and blowers in 2022 and an energy standard for the same in 2023, AMCA is looking to create a new database, one with fan-shipment data for 2021. Sought are data for 1-to-150-hp fans of most types and all sizes and types of air-circulating fans sold (shipped) in the United States and Canada in 2021.

AMCA members who make fans sold in the United States and Canada are strongly encouraged to participate in the project, as the more who participate, the better AMCA can advocate on behalf of all members for reasonable and realistic fan regulations and support incentive programs focused on more efficient fans.

To allay concerns about data privacy, AMCA is partnering with a third-party contractor, clean-energy consulting firm Cadeo. Cadeo will collect all data under a nondisclosure agreement (NDA), using industry standards for data aggregation and anonymization. No one (including AMCA staff) except Cadeo will have access to members’ raw data.

To participate in the project, send a brief e-mail message with “AMCA 2021 Fan-Shipment-Database Project” in the subject to Nate Baker, associate director, Cadeo, at Cadeo will follow up with a request for a short meeting to discuss the project and answer questions.

Michael Ivanovich, AMCA senior director, global affairs, is the staff project manager. Contact him with any questions or concerns at or +1-847-704-6340.

For a summary of the data-collection process, click here. For a copy of the NDA, click here.

Advertising Opportunities Available With 2022 Edition of AMCA inmotion

Credit: demarco-media/Bigstock

Opportunities to support AMCA in its efforts to engage engineering leaders and buildings professionals as part of its mission to advance the health, growth, and integrity of the air-systems industry and, at the same time, further one’s company’s marketing and branding initiatives are available through advertising in the 2022 edition of award-winning AMCA inmotion magazine.

Written by AMCA committee and staff members and edited by AMCA Manager of Industry Content Scott Arnold, who, prior to joining AMCA in 2017, was an editor for HPAC Engineering magazine for 18 years, AMCA inmotion is published and distributed in partnership with ASHRAE, “the world’s leading authority on HVAC&R engineering and sustainability.” In print, the 2022 edition of AMCA inmotion will be polybagged with the November issue of ASHRAE Journal and mailed to approximately 44,000 subscribers in the United States, Canada, Asia, and Europe; digitally, it will be e-mailed to all approximately 121,000 ASHRAE Journal digital and High Performing Buildings (HPB) readers; and online, it will be available for free downloading on the ASHRAE, HPB, and AMCA websites. Additionally, the 2022 edition of AMCA inmotion will be distributed at the 2023 International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo)—“the entire world of HVACR under one roof”—in Atlanta.

Descriptions of planned articles, circulation information, and advertising rates and contacts are contained in the recently published 2022 AMCA inmotion media kit.

Advertising in AMCA inmotion is open to only AMCA member companies, AMCA associates, and companies represented on AMCA committees. The deadline for advertising orders is Oct. 3; the deadline for advertising materials is Oct. 6.

For more information, see the 2022 AMCA inmotion media kit, or contact Greg Martin, ASHRAE Media Advertising, at or +1 678-539-1174 or Scott Arnold at or +1 847-704-6335.

In recent years, AMCA inmotion has made the leap to nationally and internationally recognized publication. To date, the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 editions have collected a total of 11 honors for editorial and design excellence, sharing the awards stage with campaigns from the likes of ESPN, Delta Air Lines, WWE, Mastercard, LinkedIn, Anheuser-Busch, and Aflac.

Report on U.S. Industrial, Commercial Motor-System Market Published

Credit: World Image/Bigstock

The Energy Technologies Area of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in July announced the release of the third and final report from the U.S. Industrial and Commercial Motor System Market Assessment project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

Titled “U.S. Industrial and Commercial Motor System Market Assessment Report Volume 3: Energy Saving Opportunity,” the report evaluates energy-, cost-, and carbon-dioxide-saving opportunities from various motor-system energy-saving measures, such as improved load control, adoption of advanced technologies, and improvements to distribution systems. It can be downloaded here.

The report follows “U.S. Industrial and Commercial Motor System Market Assessment Report Volume 2: Advanced Motors and Drives Supply Chain Review,” published in September 2021, and “U.S. Industrial and Commercial Motor System Market Assessment Report Volume 1: Characteristics of the Installed Base,” published in January 2021 (an online repository of Volume 1 results for stakeholders to conduct their own analyses can be found here).

AMCA Senior Director, Global Affairs Michael Ivanovich provided review and insight for volumes 3 and 1.

July 2022 Edition of ITR Advisor Available

Credit: Phongphan/Bigstock

The July 2022 issue of ITR Advisor, part of economic research and consulting firm ITR Economicspartnership with AMCA, is available.

Through the AMCA-ITR Economics partnership, AMCA members have access to monthly articles providing ITR Economics’ data-driven, non-affiliated perspective on current events.

ITR Advisor provides a “snapshot of the U.S. economy with a quick overview of key indicators, overall business health, and immediate actions to take in response to unfolding events.”

Established in 1948, ITR Economics employs a unique forecasting methodology that has allowed it to achieve an unmatched accuracy rating of 94.7 percent four quarters into the future. It has been providing expert economic forecasting at AMCA meetings for years.

To sign up to receive free economic updates, stay current with ITR Economics’ outlook, and learn of special opportunities through the AMCA-ITR Economics partnership, click here.

To see the latest AMCA Customized QUARTERLY report, click here!

AMCA 211-22 Available


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