ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill., January 31, 2020—Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc. announces the revision of ANSI/AMCA Standard 260, Laboratory Methods of Testing Induced Flow Fans for Rating.

The newly designated ANSI/AMCA Standard 260-20 establishes a uniform laboratory method for determining an induced-flow fan’s aerodynamic performance in terms of airflow rate, pressure developed, power consumption, air density, speed of rotation, and efficiency. It is an adjunct to ANSI/AMCA Standard 210/ASHRAE Standard 51, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating.

The previous version of the standard, ANSI/AMCA Standard 260-13, underwent a periodic revision in 2019. A figure and some definitions were clarified during the revision.

The cost of ANSI/AMCA Standard 260-20 is $45 for AMCA members and $90 for non-members. To purchase, visit AMCA’s online store at

About AMCA International

Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc. is a not-for-profit association of manufacturers of fans, dampers, louvers, air curtains, and other air-system components for commercial HVAC, industrial-process, and power-generation applications. With programs such as certified ratings, laboratory accreditation, verification of compliance, and international-standards development, its mission is to advance the knowledge of air systems and uphold industry integrity on behalf of AMCA members worldwide. For more information about AMCA, visit


Robb Clawson
Director of Marketing, Membership, and Education
+1 847-704-6325