Kevin Faltin, Executive Director of the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International and Francesco Scuderi, Secretary General of Eurovent announced a 3-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two manufacturer associations.

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILLINOIS and BRUSSELS, BELGIUM 22 February 2023—Kevin Faltin, Executive Director of the Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International, and Francesco Scuderi, Secretary General of Eurovent announced a 3-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two manufacturer associations.

Eurovent, Eurovent Certita Certification, Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc, Asia Air Movement and Control Association (ASIA AMCA), and European Air Movement and Control Association (EU AMCA) agreed to develop and maintain mutually beneficial relationships in support of the fan industry.

The key areas of cooperation covered by this MoU include:

  • Certification of fans destined for air handling units
  • Education and training
  • Advocacy
  • Standardization
  • On matters related to the fan certification with global cooperation
  • On matters related to education and training with cooperation in Europe, Turkey, GCC Region and India
  • On advocacy issues, with cooperation in Europe, Turkey, GCC Region and India
  • On matters related to Standardization, the scope of the cooperation includes CEN/ISO/ANSI technical bodies

The Organizations are interested in cooperating:

Opportunities to cooperate in territories others than those above will be considered in the future.

Kevin Faltin stated, “Our members have expressed a clear interest in having a single fan certification program. This MoU demonstrates that both AMCA and Eurovent agree.”

Fan certification is a key facet of the MoU. The Organizations agree that the fans in the scope of this MoU are those that are intended to be used as air-handling-units components.

Francesco Scuderi, said, “With this MoU Eurovent and AMCA want to think big, and want to support the fan industry globally, clearly including certification activities in the scope of their future common activities. Fans' performances will be tested according to the AMCA Publications and the manufacturer facilities will be audited by Eurovent Certita Certification. The fans that are certified will then be allowed to bear the Eurovent Certified Performance or AMCA International marks—or even both.”.

In addition, the Organizations agree to provide education and training on the correct application and use of fans, and on the correct interpretation of regulations and testing methods, the Organizations agree to host joint events of their widely applauded seminars, webinars, and conferences.

The Organizations will also meet regularly to determine advocacy issues of mutual interest and concern in the countries defined by the MoU.

Jürgen Albig, AMCA board member and chair of the European AMCA regional steering committee, states, “Ensuring the industry speaks with one voice in matters concerning legislation and regulations is key to safeguarding the manufacturers and members of both associations, as well as seeing that the economic and environmental vitality of the continent is maintained.”

The final key point of the memorandum will see that the Organizations commit themselves to provide joint input in relevant standardization technical bodies (CEN, ISO, ANSI), working groups, advisory groups etc.

Raul Corredera Häner, Eurovent president said “We want to work together to ensure that the various standards in the industry are consistent, organized, and meaningful. Harmonizing the standards not only makes it easier for the manufacturers but also for the end users—helping them understand and appreciate that the standards are addressing the same criteria.”

The memorandum will be formally presented at ISH in Frankfurt, Germany on Monday, 13 March 2023 at 15:30 hours in a joint reception hosted in the Eurovent Certita Certification stand in Hall 8.0, A64.

More details can be found in the MoU which is available on the AMCA and Eurovent websites.


Robb Clawson
Director of Marketing, Education, Membership, and Events

+1 (847) 704-6325

Andrea Gasparova
Public Relations Manager

+420 775 770 332


Raul Corredera Haener, President of Eurovent, and Jim Meats, Chairman of Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc
Kevin Faltin Executive Director of Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc and Francesco Scuderi Secretary General of Eurovent
Logo splash of signatories

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About AMCA International

Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) International Inc. is a not-for-profit association of manufacturers of fans, dampers, louvers, air curtains, and other air-system components for commercial HVAC, industrial-process, and power-generation applications. With programs such as certified ratings, laboratory accreditation, verification of compliance, and international-standards development, its mission is to advance the health, growth, and integrity of the air-movement-and-control industry consistent with the interests of the public. For more information about AMCA, visit

About Eurovent

Eurovent is Europe’s Industry Association for Indoor Climate (HVAC), Process Cooling, and Food Cold Chain Technologies. Its members from throughout Europe represent more than 1.000 organisations, the majority small and medium-sized manufacturers. Based on objective and verifiable data, these account for a combined annual turnover of more than 30bn Euros, employing around 150.000 people within the association’s geographic area. This makes Eurovent one of the largest cross-regional industry committees of its kind. The organisation’s activities are based on highly valued democratic decision-making principles, ensuring a level playing field for the entire industry independent from organisation sizes or membership fees.

About Eurovent Certita Certification

Established in 1993, Eurovent Certita Certification is recognised as a world leader in third-party product performance certification in the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration fields. Based on a voluntary approach, its certification schemes are open to all manufacturers and distributors. Eurovent Certita Certification is accredited as a certification body compliant with ISO/IEC 17065:2012 standard by COFRAC (Accreditation Nb 5-5017). This accreditation is internationally recognised by the signatories of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).