Located in Brussels, European Air Movement and Control Association (EU AMCA) is a not-for-profit association representing over 30 manufacturers of fans, louvers, dampers, air curtains, airflow-measurement devices, ducts, acoustic attenuators, and other air-system components across Europe. We share the mission of AMCA International to advance the knowledge of air systems and uphold industry integrity on behalf of AMCA members.
In order to do so, we work closely with EU Institutions, technical bodies, other associations and relevant stakeholders to maximize our presence in the ventilation sector. With the support of our members, we contribute to the development of standards and legislation affecting our products. The objective is to strengthen our position as the leading voice in the ventilation sector, and strive to a sustainable environment for the future.
Among our most important programs is the AMCA Certified Ratings Program. Our other services include verification of compliance, development of standards, and advocacy for model codes, regulations, and utility incentive programs promoting efficiency and life safety. With this purpose in mind, we actively thrive in spreading industry awareness by setting up conferences like the Air Systems Engineering and Technology (ASET) - Europe, which will take place in Brussels, as well as in other regions of the World, to educate on the performance of air systems.